We thank Xue et al. for their interest1 in our study.2 The potential impact of opioid-free anesthesia protocols is a current topic, and the possibility that it could improve the quality of patient recovery is a promising aspect of anesthetic management. Our team is pleased to discuss the results of our study.
First, regarding the absence of a preoperative Quality of Recovery-15 (QoR-15) score measurement, we would like to remind readers that the QoR-15 is a questionnaire designed to evaluate recovery, specifically designed for the postoperative phase,3 and is not really suitable for the preoperative phase. Several items are poorly understood by patients in the preoperative phase (e.g., item 7, “Getting support from hospital doctors and nurses,” and item 8, “Able to return to work or usual home activities”). Preoperative measures are mainly done for the psychometric validation of the questionnaire (evaluation of responsiveness), and...