Anesthesiology and the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) are extremely interested in highlighting new and innovative research in the field of Obstetric Anesthesia. We are therefore jointly organizing a special session during the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Annual Meeting, October 14–18, 2006, in Chicago, Illinois.

This will be an oral presentation session (without posters). A committee consisting of Journal Editors and representatives of SOAP will select the abstracts and presenters for this session. Authors will then be invited to prepare a formal 10-minute oral presentation of their work. Experts in the appropriate areas will be invited to participate in the discussion of each presentation. Our goal is to gather as many individuals as possible with an interest in Obstetric Anesthesia to participate in this session and to present the most innovative laboratory and clinical research available today.

Abstracts should be submitted online to the ASA Annual Meeting using the standard online process (which can be accessed via  the Web sites www.ASAhq.organd Select Obstetric Anesthesia as the major subject area. In addition, authors should notify the Anesthesiology Editorial Office via  e-mail ( regarding their interest in being considered for the specific session. The deadline for abstract submission is April 1, 2006.