A science of laws of physics— the motion
of gases,
of constrict and expand.
Theories of heat and pressure,
dilate and contract.
A stitch of needles and threads, often
in acid excess.
Volumes of breath, more
or less.
Power of flows, highs
or lows.
Choice of dextro and levo, same
yet de novo.
A science of alpha and beta, support
or oppose.
A medley of surge
and collapse.
An art of magic,
the magic of thought,
the thought of fusion,
the fusion of heart and soul.
The balance of depth and light, more and less
of pain and joy, give
or lose.
A play of safe,
of touch and numb, for all
or some.
A dream of life,
a sketch of real.
Copyright © 2013, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.