Complex Information for Anesthesiologists Presented Quickly and Clearly
We searched PubMed using the phrase “perioperative surgical home” (PSH), classifying manuscripts as either research articles, reviews, letters to the editor, or editorials. PSH abstracts were identified from American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Annual Meetings using the ASA website,* and from International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) Annual Meetings using the final meeting programs and abstract supplements. For each identified manuscript and abstract, the zip code of the corresponding author’s institution was mapped to a longitude-latitude. The corresponding points were plotted on a map of the United States (package zipcode; R Software Foundation, Austria) using a jitter function to reduce overplotting; locations are approximate. The time line for PSH events was developed using the ASA PSH website.† A&A = Anesthesia & Analgesia; PBLD = Problem-Based Learning Discussion.
Infographic created by Jonathan P. Wanderer, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, and James P. Rathmell, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Illustration by Annemarie Johnson, Vivo Visuals. Dr. Wanderer is funded by the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research, Rochester, Minnesota, and Anesthesia Quality Institute’s Mentored Research Training Grant – Health Services Research, Schaum burg, Illinois. Address correspondence to Dr. Wanderer:
Available at: Accessed May 1, 2015.
Available at: Accessed May 1, 2015.
Competing Interests
Dr. Wanderer is funded by the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research, Rochester, Minnesota, and Anesthesia Quality Institute’s Mentored Research Training Grant – Health Services Research, Schaumburg, Illinois.