For the article by J. K. P. Loke and D. H. MacLennan in the March 1998 issue of Anesthesiology (1998; 88(3):589-600), the authors would like to make the following correction: page 597, Table 4, “IVCT: 0.99 x (1 - 0.936)= 0.927” should read “IVCT: 0.99 x (1 - 0.936)= 0.06336.”

For the article by Porter et al. in the July issue of Anesthesiology (1998; 89(1):79-85), the author would like to make the following correction:Table 3should have appeared as below.

Table 3. Neonatal Respiratory Gas Status

Table 3. Neonatal Respiratory Gas Status
Table 3. Neonatal Respiratory Gas Status