Two and a half years ago at this time, I was fortunate to become president of the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER). The elements of FAER’s work – research, training and mentorship – have been important to me personally and are important to the specialty overall. Thus, it is a deep honor to be a part of this community.

During my time as president of FAER, I have traveled to many medical centers, anesthesiology departments and medical schools to share FAER’s purpose. Without exception, whenever I talk with, hear from or read about an anesthesiologist who is a FAER grant recipient, I am reminded of the profound effect our work has on the larger medical community. We have a strong commitment to contribute to the future of medicine, and, for the benefit of our patients and humanity, we all want to see anesthesiology thrive and prosper.

While at...

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