The Committee on Practice Management and the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) are continuing a successful abstract and poster session format at PRACTICE MANAGEMENT 2016 in San Diego. This exciting part of our program is a rich venue for practice management research.

FAER will offer cash awards for the first-, second- and third-best posters. Judges will consist of members from the Committee on Practice Management and FAER. The top three authors will be recognized live at the conference.

The poster session will display work on the topics of quality improvement, leadership development, challenging cases and their innovative solutions in practice management, and research in perioperative management. These topics represent the nonclinical development of our specialty.

Abstracts can be submitted electronically by accessing, clicking on “For Members,” “Practice Management,” then “PRACTICE MANAGEMENT 2016.” Submission will begin August 1 and end October 31, 2015. The Committee on Practice...

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