As a 14-year old boy in the 1980s, my father sent me to the accountant and business leaders in our community to learn the business of medicine. He was adamant that physicians did not understand business at all. He was well ahead of his time. The Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) award for best poster is a highlight of the PRACTICE MANAGEMENT conference. This competition is a great opportunity to showcase innovative ways to better manage our practices.

Each summer, solicitations for posters to be submitted are advertised in the ASA Monitor. Topics for submissions include: 1) quality improvement, 2) leadership development, 3) challenging cases and their innovative solutions in practice management, and 4) research in perioperative management.

This year, the abstract deadline was November 30. Four physician anesthesiologists with practice management experience reviewed/graded the abstracts and chose six posters for poster presentation in Dallas on January...

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