The end of each year presents an opportunity to look back over the past 12 months and reflect on the issues and items of the year. Sometimes a review of a longer timespan is helpful – and that may be especially true in payment and practice management. Over the past 10 years, we have seen incredible changes in some areas. Some issues have dropped from the radar, new ones have appeared and others have maintained relevance throughout this timespan.

The roundtable discussions are one of the most popular events each year at ASA’s PRACTICE MANAGEMENT TM conference. The topics are timely and reflective of what is on the minds of physician anesthesiologists, anesthesia practice administrators and executives and all conference attendees. In this month’s Payment and Practice Management column, I offer a comparison between the topics from the 2008 Conference roundtables and the 2018 roundtables. The 2008 Conference offered 24...

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