Jeffrey Plagenhoef, M.D., FASA, 2017 ASA President, called to order the opening session of the 70th meeting of the ASA House of Delegates (HOD) at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center at 8 a.m. on Sunday, October 22, 2017. There were 395 properly credentialed delegates seated, easily comprising a necessary quorum.
The proceedings of the HOD were prefaced by inspirational words of invocation, this year provided by Thomas H. Swygert, M.D., ASA member and delegate from Texas. ASA Registration and Housing Manager Phillip Ridley sang “America the Beautiful.” During his opening remarks, Dr. Plagenhoef recognized the many honored guests present, representing anesthesia and medical societies from across the world.
The winners of the 2017 Resident Research Essay Awards were acknowledged. They received their awards in conjunction with the ASA Celebration of Research program held Monday, October 23. The 2017 recipient of the Award for Excellence in Research was Paul Myles,...