UpToDate® and ASA Monitor are collaborating to present select content abstracts on “What's New in Anesthesiology.” UpToDate is an evidence-based, clinical support resource used worldwide by healthcare practitioners to make decisions at the point of care. For complete, current “What's New” content, or to become a subscriber for full content access, go to www.uptodate.com. “What's New” abstract information is free for all medical professionals.
Evidence-based multidisciplinary guidelines for the management of acute perioperative pain have been lacking. Recently, a consortium of various specialty organizations published consensus recommendations for seven guiding principles for perioperative pain management [1]. We agree with these principles, which seek to improve perioperative pain management by implementing multimodal, opioid-sparing, patient-centered approaches.
Whether deep brain stimulator (DBS) placement with the patient asleep versus awake affects outcomes has been uncertain. In a randomized trial comparing general anesthesia (GA) versus monitored anesthesia care (MAC) in 110...