Anesthesiology is faced with disparities between patient populations across the spectrum of surgical services, including orthopedics, cardiothoracic, and obstetrics, that plague the United States health care system (Global Spine J June 2023; Lancet 2023;402:1065-82; Ann Surg 2020;272:668; JSES Int 2022;7:44-9; Anesthesiology 2023;139:244-8; ASA Monitor 2020;84:49-50). These disparities result in significant differences in health outcomes, including diminished life expectancy, most notable among Black and American Indian or Alaskan Native populations (Lancet 2023;402:1065-82). A recent actuarial analysis found health care inequity accounts for $320 billion in annual U.S. health care expenditures, which is expected to balloon to at least $1 trillion if not addressed by 2040 ( To transform the future of American health care, anesthesiologists-in-training will need to participate in understanding and addressing these disparities.

Resident physicians within accredited anesthesiology training programs are now required to become versed in recognizing...

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