Fig. 2. Values for average minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) and average SD are plotted against the number of crossovers. The dashed line indicates the population MAC used in the simulations. Other assumptions used in these 500 replicates: interindividual variability = 20% of population MAC; starting concentration = 0.5% inhaled anesthetic; incremental changes for inhaled anesthetic = 20% of starting concentration; machine error level = 5%; ventilation/perfusion mismatch = 0.1%. Note that increasing the number of crossovers improves the estimate of MAC and increases the SD toward the true value used in the simulations.

Fig. 2. Values for average minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) and average SD are plotted against the number of crossovers. The dashed line indicates the population MAC used in the simulations. Other assumptions used in these 500 replicates: interindividual variability = 20% of population MAC; starting concentration = 0.5% inhaled anesthetic; incremental changes for inhaled anesthetic = 20% of starting concentration; machine error level = 5%; ventilation/perfusion mismatch = 0.1%. Note that increasing the number of crossovers improves the estimate of MAC and increases the SD toward the true value used in the simulations.

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