Fig. 1. Twelve post aortocoronary bypass patients rewarmed for 2 h under a 1.8 m2radiant ceiling. X-axis: mean skin − tympanic core temperature (Tmsk − Tc) at 10-min intervals. Y-axis: the change in Tc from initial value (ΔTc). The 95% confidence interval (CI) is for all values of (Tmsk − Tc) when ΔTc < 0°C. The mean radiant temperature (Tmr) at the patient (  i.e. , the driving temperature for radiant heat exchange) and the initial values of Tmsk and Tc are shown. Tmsk was averaged from 4 skin sites: chest, lateral upper arm, thigh and lateral calf. 

Fig. 1. Twelve post aortocoronary bypass patients rewarmed for 2 h under a 1.8 m2radiant ceiling. X-axis: mean skin − tympanic core temperature (Tmsk − Tc) at 10-min intervals. Y-axis: the change in Tc from initial value (ΔTc). The 95% confidence interval (CI) is for all values of (Tmsk − Tc) when ΔTc < 0°C. The mean radiant temperature (Tmr) at the patient (  i.e. , the driving temperature for radiant heat exchange) and the initial values of Tmsk and Tc are shown. Tmsk was averaged from 4 skin sites: chest, lateral upper arm, thigh and lateral calf. 

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