Fig. 5. Concentration–response relations of anesthetic-induced depression of mean firing rates for sevoflurane (  A ) and propofol (  B ). For each concentration, the mean value and SE were obtained from 6–12 cells. The effects of sevoflurane and propofol were calculated by comparing the spike rates before and during treatment. The curves were fitted with Hill equations.  Table 1shows the median effective concentration (EC50) values and Hill coefficients. MAC = minimum alveolar concentration. 

Fig. 5. Concentration–response relations of anesthetic-induced depression of mean firing rates for sevoflurane (  A ) and propofol (  B ). For each concentration, the mean value and SE were obtained from 6–12 cells. The effects of sevoflurane and propofol were calculated by comparing the spike rates before and during treatment. The curves were fitted with Hill equations.  Table 1 shows the median effective concentration (EC50) values and Hill coefficients. MAC = minimum alveolar concentration. 

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