Fig. 2. Blind bronchoalveolar lavage plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) concentrations in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and patients without ARDS. (  A ) Blind bronchoalveolar lavage PAI-1 concentrations in ARDS  versus non-ARDS patients were significantly different. *  P = 0.003. (  B ) Blind bronchoalveolar lavage PAI-1 concentrations in survivors (ARDS or non-ARDS) and nonsurvivors (ARDS or non-ARDS) patients evaluating hospital mortality. **  P = 0.005. (  C ) Blind bronchoalveolar lavage PAI-1 concentrations in survivors (ARDS or non-ARDS) and nonsurvivors (ARDS or non-ARDS) evaluated for 28-day mortality. There were no significant differences between the survivors and patients who died when evaluated for 28-day mortality, whether they had ARDS or not. ##  P = 0.078. This may be due to the small number of patients in the groups.  Open and closed circles signify numbers out of range (median [25, 75]) in each group of patients. 

Fig. 2. Blind bronchoalveolar lavage plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) concentrations in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and patients without ARDS. (  A ) Blind bronchoalveolar lavage PAI-1 concentrations in ARDS  versus non-ARDS patients were significantly different. *  P = 0.003. (  B ) Blind bronchoalveolar lavage PAI-1 concentrations in survivors (ARDS or non-ARDS) and nonsurvivors (ARDS or non-ARDS) patients evaluating hospital mortality. **  P = 0.005. (  C ) Blind bronchoalveolar lavage PAI-1 concentrations in survivors (ARDS or non-ARDS) and nonsurvivors (ARDS or non-ARDS) evaluated for 28-day mortality. There were no significant differences between the survivors and patients who died when evaluated for 28-day mortality, whether they had ARDS or not. ##  P = 0.078. This may be due to the small number of patients in the groups.  Open and closed circles signify numbers out of range (median [25, 75]) in each group of patients. 

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