Fig. 7.
(A–D) Scatterplot of Pearson residuals by leverage: outlier and extreme data point diagnostics for primary analysis model of generalized average real variability (ARV) of mean arterial pressure (MAP) and 30-day mortality. Only a very small percentage of data points (0.3%) were deemed to be both outliers (extreme in Y space, i.e., 30-day mortality) and with high leverage (extreme in the X space, i.e., generalized ARV of MAP), indicating very good model fit for the primary analysis.

(AD) Scatterplot of Pearson residuals by leverage: outlier and extreme data point diagnostics for primary analysis model of generalized average real variability (ARV) of mean arterial pressure (MAP) and 30-day mortality. Only a very small percentage of data points (0.3%) were deemed to be both outliers (extreme in Y space, i.e., 30-day mortality) and with high leverage (extreme in the X space, i.e., generalized ARV of MAP), indicating very good model fit for the primary analysis.

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