Figure 1. Rifampin and troleandomycin effects on midazolam disposition. Plasma concentrations of midazolam (solid circles), unconjugated 1'-OH-midazolam (triangles), and 1'-OH-midazolam-glucuronide (squares) are shown for a typical participant after no pretreatment, rifampin (600 mg each morning for 5 days) pretreatment, and troleandomycin (500 mg given orally 2 h before midazolam). Pharmacokinetic parameters for all participants are provided in Table 1.

Figure 1. Rifampin and troleandomycin effects on midazolam disposition. Plasma concentrations of midazolam (solid circles), unconjugated 1'-OH-midazolam (triangles), and 1'-OH-midazolam-glucuronide (squares) are shown for a typical participant after no pretreatment, rifampin (600 mg each morning for 5 days) pretreatment, and troleandomycin (500 mg given orally 2 h before midazolam). Pharmacokinetic parameters for all participants are provided in Table 1.

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