Fig. 3. Effect of contusion (100 mJ and 200 mJ) on (A ) longitudinal and transverse conduction velocities (θL and θT, respectively), (B ) ventricular effective refractory period, and (C ) longitudinal and transverse wavelengths (λL and λT, respectively). Data are expressed as the mean ± SD. Closed symbols correspond to longitudinal parameters (velocities and wavelength), and open symbols correspond to transverse parameters. Squares are used for 100-mJ group, and triangles are used for 200-mJ group. *P < 0.05, †P < 0.01, ‡P < 0.001;P  depicted a significant time effect; no group effect was significant.

Fig. 3. Effect of contusion (100 mJ and 200 mJ) on (A ) longitudinal and transverse conduction velocities (θL and θT, respectively), (B ) ventricular effective refractory period, and (C ) longitudinal and transverse wavelengths (λL and λT, respectively). Data are expressed as the mean ± SD. Closed symbols correspond to longitudinal parameters (velocities and wavelength), and open symbols correspond to transverse parameters. Squares are used for 100-mJ group, and triangles are used for 200-mJ group. *P < 0.05, †P < 0.01, ‡P < 0.001;P  depicted a significant time effect; no group effect was significant.

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