Fig. 2. Percentage of patients in each sedation category at induction of general anesthesia. Midazolam group = 1 mg/kg midazolam; ketamine-10 = 10 mg/kg ketamine; ketamine-7 = 7 mg/kg ketamine; ketamine-5 = 5 mg/kg ketamine. Patients in the midazolam group were assessed at 15 min and those in the ketamine groups at 45 min after rectal adminstration. Open bar = asleep; hatched bar = calm but awake and apprehensive; stippled bar = awake and struggling; solid bar = agitated or crying with restraint required. *P < 0.05 versus  the ketamine-7 and -5 groups; †P < 0.05 versus  the ketamine-5 group.

Fig. 2. Percentage of patients in each sedation category at induction of general anesthesia. Midazolam group = 1 mg/kg midazolam; ketamine-10 = 10 mg/kg ketamine; ketamine-7 = 7 mg/kg ketamine; ketamine-5 = 5 mg/kg ketamine. Patients in the midazolam group were assessed at 15 min and those in the ketamine groups at 45 min after rectal adminstration. Open bar = asleep; hatched bar = calm but awake and apprehensive; stippled bar = awake and struggling; solid bar = agitated or crying with restraint required. *P < 0.05 versus  the ketamine-7 and -5 groups; †P < 0.05 versus  the ketamine-5 group.

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