Table 3. Comparison, at the Time of NAL Administration, of VAS Scores and Epidural Fentanyl Infusion Rates, Fentanyl Doses and Fentanyl–Bupivacaine Volumes Received by the Patient Group Experiencing ROA and the Patient Group without ROA

* Values are rounded off to the nearest integer.

† Values include epidural fentanyl-bupivacaine bolus volumes.

‡ Differences between the two groups are not significant.

NAL = nalmefene; ROA = reversal of analgesia; VAS = visual analog scale.

Table 3. Comparison, at the Time of NAL Administration, of VAS Scores and Epidural Fentanyl Infusion Rates, Fentanyl Doses and Fentanyl–Bupivacaine Volumes Received by the Patient Group Experiencing ROA and the Patient Group without ROA
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