Table 3. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Parameters for the Concentration–Electroencephalographic Effect Relation

The estimated parameters for the final pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic model are those characterized by the mixed-effect model using the computer program NONMEM. Parameters are given as mean ± SEM. The values for EC50are the typical values for a 40-yr-old patient. The EC50for patients’ age deviating from 40 yr can be calculated as EC50· 10θ(age) · (age−40). Thus, a parameter value of −0.0072 for age correction corresponds to a decrease of 15% for each 10 yr.

* Values were taken from baseline measurements.

† Parameter values were fixed initially at the respective values, and parameter estimation did not decrease significantly the minimum value of the objective function.

‡ The same parameters were used for both groups, and estimation of separate parameters did not significantly decrease the minimum value of the objective function.

SEF 95 = spectral edge frequency 95; MPF = median power frequency; BIS = Bispectral Index.

Table 3. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Parameters for the Concentration–Electroencephalographic Effect Relation
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