Fig. 2. Time course of total intraneural lidocaine content (nanomoles per milligram wet weight of nerve) after injection of 0.5% plain lidocaine (L; open circles) or 0.5% lidocaine with epinephrine (LE; 1:100,000; filled circles); n = 10 at each time point. The solid and dashed lines are fits to the separate data sets from 4 to 60 min using the equation, L = Lf× exp(−k (t − 4)) + Ls. Parameters of the fit are shown on the figure. k = transport rate coefficient for the rapid removal phase (washout from nerve); Lf= amplitude of the fast-decaying component; Ls= amplitude of the steady state (plateau) component, which eventually decays to the baseline value.

Fig. 2. Time course of total intraneural lidocaine content (nanomoles per milligram wet weight of nerve) after injection of 0.5% plain lidocaine (L; open circles) or 0.5% lidocaine with epinephrine (LE; 1:100,000; filled circles); n = 10 at each time point. The solid and dashed lines are fits to the separate data sets from 4 to 60 min using the equation, L = Lf× exp(−k (t − 4)) + Ls. Parameters of the fit are shown on the figure. k = transport rate coefficient for the rapid removal phase (washout from nerve); Lf= amplitude of the fast-decaying component; Ls= amplitude of the steady state (plateau) component, which eventually decays to the baseline value.

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