Fig. 4.
Simulations demonstrating remifentanil plasma concentration (Cp) and effect compartment (Ce) concentration predicted when mixed with propofol (5 µg/ml) and infused using the McFarlan regimen. Initial remifentanil concentrations reach a Ce ~5 µg/ml within 2.5 min, and these concentrations contribute to apnea after induction. Propofol pharmacokinetic parameter estimates are from Kataria et al.22 Remifentanil pharmacokinetic parameter estimates are from Rigby-Jones et al.17

Simulations demonstrating remifentanil plasma concentration (Cp) and effect compartment (Ce) concentration predicted when mixed with propofol (5 µg/ml) and infused using the McFarlan regimen. Initial remifentanil concentrations reach a Ce ~5 µg/ml within 2.5 min, and these concentrations contribute to apnea after induction. Propofol pharmacokinetic parameter estimates are from Kataria et al.22  Remifentanil pharmacokinetic parameter estimates are from Rigby-Jones et al.17 

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