Fig. 2. Area of secondary hyperalgesia in percentage of baseline to brush stimulation (A ) and von Frey hair stimulation (B ). Baseline = area of secondary hyperalgesia after the first rekindle (before infusion); during infusion = area of secondary hyperalgesia after the second rekindle (25-min steady state infusion at 0.1 μg · kg−1· min−1); postinfusion = area of secondary hyperalgesia after the third rekindle (30 min after infusion was terminated). (C ) Painfulness of long thermal stimulation (LTS; 45°C for 1 min) in percentage of baseline. Baseline = painfulness of LTS before infusion; during infusion = painfulness of LTS (25-min steady state infusion at 0.1 μg · kg−1· min−1). Postinfusion = painfulness of LTS 30 min after infusion was terminated.

Fig. 2. Area of secondary hyperalgesia in percentage of baseline to brush stimulation (A ) and von Frey hair stimulation (B ). Baseline = area of secondary hyperalgesia after the first rekindle (before infusion); during infusion = area of secondary hyperalgesia after the second rekindle (25-min steady state infusion at 0.1 μg · kg1· min1); postinfusion = area of secondary hyperalgesia after the third rekindle (30 min after infusion was terminated). (C ) Painfulness of long thermal stimulation (LTS; 45°C for 1 min) in percentage of baseline. Baseline = painfulness of LTS before infusion; during infusion = painfulness of LTS (25-min steady state infusion at 0.1 μg · kg1· min1). Postinfusion = painfulness of LTS 30 min after infusion was terminated.

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