Fig. 5.
Group average functional magnetic resonance imaging activation for experimental items subsequently recognized as familiar under saline and drug conditions. Clusters in all columns are thresholded for significance, controlling for a family-wise error rate of P < 0.05. The Montreal Neurologic Institute (Montreal, Canada) standard space brain was used as the underlay, with axial slice locations listed. Images are oriented with radiologic convention (right side of the brain shown on the left of the figure). Labels for anatomic regions of interest are color-coded based on predominant functional organization: memory encoding in purple (hippocampus and middle temporal gyrus), fear response in yellow (amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex), pain processing in orange (insula), somatosensory processing in blue (brain stem, thalamus, and primary and secondary somatosensory cortices), parietal areas (including default-mode network structures) in green (precuneus, posterior cingulate, and medial parietal cortex), prefrontal cortex in pink, and motor areas in olive (cerebellum and supplementary motor area).

Group average functional magnetic resonance imaging activation for experimental items subsequently recognized as familiar under saline and drug conditions. Clusters in all columns are thresholded for significance, controlling for a family-wise error rate of P < 0.05. The Montreal Neurologic Institute (Montreal, Canada) standard space brain was used as the underlay, with axial slice locations listed. Images are oriented with radiologic convention (right side of the brain shown on the left of the figure). Labels for anatomic regions of interest are color-coded based on predominant functional organization: memory encoding in purple (hippocampus and middle temporal gyrus), fear response in yellow (amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex), pain processing in orange (insula), somatosensory processing in blue (brain stem, thalamus, and primary and secondary somatosensory cortices), parietal areas (including default-mode network structures) in green (precuneus, posterior cingulate, and medial parietal cortex), prefrontal cortex in pink, and motor areas in olive (cerebellum and supplementary motor area).

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