Fig. 2.
Age of onset and time course of mortality in ND2360114 flies. (A) Percent mortality was determined for mixed sex ND2360114 flies not exposed (control) or exposed to 2 h of 2% isoflurane and 21% O2 at the indicated ages. Significance between control and experimental data was determined using the unpaired equal-variance two-tail Student’s t test. ****P < 0.0001. (B) The time at which 10- to 13-day-old, mixed-sex ND2360114 flies died during the 24 h after exposure to 2 h of 2% isoflurane and 21% O2. At 2-h intervals the percentage of dead flies was normalized to the percentage of flies that were dead at 24 h. (C) 10- to 15-day-old, mixed-sex ND2360114, ND2360114/ND23G14097, and ND2360114/ND23Del flies were exposed to 2 h of 2% isoflurane and 21% O2, and the percent mortality at 24 h was determined. N = number of biologic replicates. Symbols indicate the following: box, second and third quartiles of data; +, mean; horizontal bar, median; and whiskers, (minimum and maximum.

Age of onset and time course of mortality in ND2360114 flies. (A) Percent mortality was determined for mixed sex ND2360114 flies not exposed (control) or exposed to 2 h of 2% isoflurane and 21% O2 at the indicated ages. Significance between control and experimental data was determined using the unpaired equal-variance two-tail Student’s t test. ****P < 0.0001. (B) The time at which 10- to 13-day-old, mixed-sex ND2360114 flies died during the 24 h after exposure to 2 h of 2% isoflurane and 21% O2. At 2-h intervals the percentage of dead flies was normalized to the percentage of flies that were dead at 24 h. (C) 10- to 15-day-old, mixed-sex ND2360114, ND2360114/ND23G14097, and ND2360114/ND23Del flies were exposed to 2 h of 2% isoflurane and 21% O2, and the percent mortality at 24 h was determined. N = number of biologic replicates. Symbols indicate the following: box, second and third quartiles of data; +, mean; horizontal bar, median; and whiskers, (minimum and maximum.

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