Fig. 3.
Group level magnetoencephalography source power for highest administered xenon and nitrous oxide concentrations. Xenon (Xe) effects (A) at loss of responsiveness (1.30 MACawake) are increases in low-frequency delta (widespread change) and theta activity (right brain lateralized). 0.75 MACawake nitrous oxide (N2O) (B) results in a primarily frontal alpha reduction and a rise in high-frequency gamma activity centered around frontal and occipital regions. Maximum statistics and Bonferroni corrected t-maps ([top row] Xe, P = 0.004; N2O, P = 0.005) of magnetoencephalographic sources across participants (n = 21). Brain slices (middle row) display region specific alterations plotted on the template Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (MNI) brain. Magnetoencephalography source spectral power ([bottom row] 1 to 45 Hz) is shown in the logarithmic scale for the postantiemetic baseline and the highest administered doses of the two gases averaged across all magnetoencephalographic sources and all subjects. Delta, 1 to 4 Hz; theta, 4 to 8 Hz; alpha, 8 to 13 Hz; low gamma, 30 to 49 Hz; high gamma, 51 to 99 Hz. MACawake, minimum alveolar concentration–awake.

Group level magnetoencephalography source power for highest administered xenon and nitrous oxide concentrations. Xenon (Xe) effects (A) at loss of responsiveness (1.30 MACawake) are increases in low-frequency delta (widespread change) and theta activity (right brain lateralized). 0.75 MACawake nitrous oxide (N2O) (B) results in a primarily frontal alpha reduction and a rise in high-frequency gamma activity centered around frontal and occipital regions. Maximum statistics and Bonferroni corrected t-maps ([top row] Xe, P = 0.004; N2O, P = 0.005) of magnetoencephalographic sources across participants (n = 21). Brain slices (middle row) display region specific alterations plotted on the template Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (MNI) brain. Magnetoencephalography source spectral power ([bottom row] 1 to 45 Hz) is shown in the logarithmic scale for the postantiemetic baseline and the highest administered doses of the two gases averaged across all magnetoencephalographic sources and all subjects. Delta, 1 to 4 Hz; theta, 4 to 8 Hz; alpha, 8 to 13 Hz; low gamma, 30 to 49 Hz; high gamma, 51 to 99 Hz. MACawake, minimum alveolar concentration–awake.

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