Fig. 2.
Central venous catheter tip positions as determined by chest x-ray film. A schematic overview of the central venous system of the upper body and possible central venous catheter tip locations as determined by chest x-ray film. Dashed circles denote aberrant central venous catheter tip position, whereas the continuous circle denotes correct tip position in the superior vena cava or upper right atrium. A total of 25 malpositions occurred. All aberrant tip positions are shown with their respective percentage of total malposition incidence. One case (4%) of extravascular curling is not shown.

Central venous catheter tip positions as determined by chest x-ray film. A schematic overview of the central venous system of the upper body and possible central venous catheter tip locations as determined by chest x-ray film. Dashed circles denote aberrant central venous catheter tip position, whereas the continuous circle denotes correct tip position in the superior vena cava or upper right atrium. A total of 25 malpositions occurred. All aberrant tip positions are shown with their respective percentage of total malposition incidence. One case (4%) of extravascular curling is not shown.

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