Fig. 4.
Isoflurane resistance in larvae. (A) Schematic and timeline of larval anesthesia experiments. After isoflurane (0.56%) exposure, the position of the larvae is traced on the outside of the glass (blue circles). Larvae that have moved at least one-body-length outside the marked circle are noted (green tick). Larvae that have not moved are also scored (red cross). To quantify recovery from anesthesia, the behavioral apparatus is then opened to allow anesthetic gas to escape. After a further 5 min, larvae are rescored (pink ticks), using same criteria to quantify recovery as per induction: larvae that had been marked with a cross must have moved at least one-body-length outside the marked circle to qualify for recovery. (B) The proportion of larvae moving after isoflurane exposure (induction) and upon removal of isoflurane gas (recovery) for Elav-Gal4/+; upstream activation sequence-syx227 flies (orange) compared with Elav-Gal4/+ controls larvae (grey). *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001, t test (n = 8 experiments per genotype). Error bars show ± SD.

Isoflurane resistance in larvae. (A) Schematic and timeline of larval anesthesia experiments. After isoflurane (0.56%) exposure, the position of the larvae is traced on the outside of the glass (blue circles). Larvae that have moved at least one-body-length outside the marked circle are noted (green tick). Larvae that have not moved are also scored (red cross). To quantify recovery from anesthesia, the behavioral apparatus is then opened to allow anesthetic gas to escape. After a further 5 min, larvae are rescored (pink ticks), using same criteria to quantify recovery as per induction: larvae that had been marked with a cross must have moved at least one-body-length outside the marked circle to qualify for recovery. (B) The proportion of larvae moving after isoflurane exposure (induction) and upon removal of isoflurane gas (recovery) for Elav-Gal4/+; upstream activation sequence-syx227 flies (orange) compared with Elav-Gal4/+ controls larvae (grey). *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001, t test (n = 8 experiments per genotype). Error bars show ± SD.

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