Fig. 8. Circadian variations of the effects of pancuronium in rats anesthetized with althesin. From Bruguerolle B: General concepts and new trends in chronopharmacology, Biologic Clocks: Mechanisms and Applications. Proceedings of the International Congress on Chronobiology. Paris, 1977. Edited by Touitou Y. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1998, pp 7–11. Used with permission.

Fig. 8. Circadian variations of the effects of pancuronium in rats anesthetized with althesin. From Bruguerolle B: General concepts and new trends in chronopharmacology, Biologic Clocks: Mechanisms and Applications. Proceedings of the International Congress on Chronobiology. Paris, 1977. Edited by Touitou Y. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1998, pp 7–11. Used with permission.

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