Fig. 2. Effect of FK506 on Ca2+release induced by Ca2+. One milligram sarcoplasmic reticulum terminal cisternae vesicles (SRVs) per milliliter was loaded actively with Ca2+by addition of 1 mm adenosine triphosphate in the presence of an adenosine triphosphate–regenerative system. Before Ca2+loading and challenging with sequential additions of Ca2+, SRVs were incubated at 37°C for 40 min in the absence (A ) or presence (B ) of 25 μm FK506. After active Ca2+uptake, the extravesicular concentration of Ca2+was essentially the same for control and FK506-treated SRVs. The lower arrows indicate single additions of 10 nmol Ca2+. The Ca2+release induced by seven sequential additions of 10 nmol Ca2+was observed in approximately 5 of 12 (40%) SRVs treated with FK506. In contrast, up to eight sequential additions of 10 mmol Ca2+produced no Ca2+-induced release of Ca2+in control SRVs (0 of 14).

Fig. 2. Effect of FK506 on Ca2+release induced by Ca2+. One milligram sarcoplasmic reticulum terminal cisternae vesicles (SRVs) per milliliter was loaded actively with Ca2+by addition of 1 mm adenosine triphosphate in the presence of an adenosine triphosphate–regenerative system. Before Ca2+loading and challenging with sequential additions of Ca2+, SRVs were incubated at 37°C for 40 min in the absence (A ) or presence (B ) of 25 μm FK506. After active Ca2+uptake, the extravesicular concentration of Ca2+was essentially the same for control and FK506-treated SRVs. The lower arrows indicate single additions of 10 nmol Ca2+. The Ca2+release induced by seven sequential additions of 10 nmol Ca2+was observed in approximately 5 of 12 (40%) SRVs treated with FK506. In contrast, up to eight sequential additions of 10 mmol Ca2+produced no Ca2+-induced release of Ca2+in control SRVs (0 of 14).

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