Table 2. Fit Criteria of Selected Models Fit to Our Data Using NONMEM

* Our best model to fit the data.

SBC = Schwarz-Bayesian Criterion; θ1, …, θ7= model population parameters fit by NONMEM; Ĉi= model predicted plasma TA concentration for sample i; Ci= observed plasma TA concentration for sample i;ϵ1i, ϵ2i= random variable error terms for sample i with means = 0 and SD ς1and ς2, respectively. GPE = geometric performance error. In our best model,* 90th GPE = 2.28 means that 90% of our model predictions fell within 1/2.28 and 2.28 times (i.e. , 44% and 228% of) the observed concentrations.

Add = additive; CV = coefficient of variation; CPB = cardiopulmonary bypass; wtkg = weight in kg.

Table 2. Fit Criteria of Selected Models Fit to Our Data Using NONMEM
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