Fig. 1. Aortic tension at 40 (black symbols ) and 70 μm (gray symbols ) O2. Effective hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentrations for EC50at 40 and 70 μm are shown using arrows . Inset:  H2S EC50values of aorta as a function of O2concentration. Reproduced with permission from: Koenitzer JR, Isbell GS, Patel HD, Benavides GL, Dickinson DA, Patel RP, Darley-Usmar VM, Lancaster JR Jr, Doeller JE, Kraus DW: Hydrogen sulfide mediates vasoactivity in an O2-dependent manner. Am J Physiol Heart Circl Physiol 2007; 292:1953–60.

Fig. 1. Aortic tension at 40 (black symbols ) and 70 μm (gray symbols ) O2. Effective hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentrations for EC50at 40 and 70 μm are shown using arrows . Inset:  H2S EC50values of aorta as a function of O2concentration. Reproduced with permission from: Koenitzer JR, Isbell GS, Patel HD, Benavides GL, Dickinson DA, Patel RP, Darley-Usmar VM, Lancaster JR Jr, Doeller JE, Kraus DW: Hydrogen sulfide mediates vasoactivity in an O2-dependent manner. Am J Physiol Heart Circl Physiol 2007; 292:1953–60.

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