Fig. 2.
Fibrinolysis marker levels stratified by ROTEM derangement. Median and interquartile ranges of (A) D-dimer, (B) α2-antiplasmin, (C) plasmin antiplasmin complexes, and (D) tissue plasminogen activator per coagulation group based on admission ROTEM profile. An asterisk above the bar represents a statistically significant difference compared to the group of patients with a normal ROTEM profile, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001. N, patients with a normal ROTEM profile; ↑CTex, clotting time EXTEM > 80 s; ↓CA5ex, EXTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 40 mm; ↓CA5fib, FIBTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 10 mm; ↓CA5ex+fib, EXTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 40 mm and FIBTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 10 mm; ↑CT & ↓CA5ex+fib, EXTEM clotting time > 80 s, EXTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 40 mm and FIBTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 10 mm; ↓CA5ex+fib & ↓Li30, EXTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 40 mm, FIBTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 10 mm and lysis index at 30 min < 85%; All deranged, EXTEM clotting time > 80 s, EXTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 40 mm, FIBTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 10 mm and lysis index at 30 min < 85%.

Fibrinolysis marker levels stratified by ROTEM derangement. Median and interquartile ranges of (A) D-dimer, (B) α2-antiplasmin, (C) plasmin antiplasmin complexes, and (D) tissue plasminogen activator per coagulation group based on admission ROTEM profile. An asterisk above the bar represents a statistically significant difference compared to the group of patients with a normal ROTEM profile, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001. N, patients with a normal ROTEM profile; ↑CTex, clotting time EXTEM > 80 s; ↓CA5ex, EXTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 40 mm; ↓CA5fib, FIBTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 10 mm; ↓CA5ex+fib, EXTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 40 mm and FIBTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 10 mm; ↑CT & ↓CA5ex+fib, EXTEM clotting time > 80 s, EXTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 40 mm and FIBTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 10 mm; ↓CA5ex+fib & ↓Li30, EXTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 40 mm, FIBTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 10 mm and lysis index at 30 min < 85%; All deranged, EXTEM clotting time > 80 s, EXTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 40 mm, FIBTEM clot amplitude at 5 min < 10 mm and lysis index at 30 min < 85%.

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