Fig. 3. Metabolic and hemodynamic correlates. (  A ) Blood lactate levels at the end of the experiment (15 min) across a range of epinephrine doses; line plotted using linear regression. Significance of difference is shown for lipid control  versus each of the epinephrine treated groups. ***  P < 0.001. Error bars represent SEM (  B ) Blood lactate levels plotted with linear regression against rate-pressure product for all treatment groups at baseline, 7.5, and 15 min. n = 90. Strength of correlation indicated by Pearson’s  r for both plots. RPP = rate-pressure product. 

Fig. 3. Metabolic and hemodynamic correlates. (  A ) Blood lactate levels at the end of the experiment (15 min) across a range of epinephrine doses; line plotted using linear regression. Significance of difference is shown for lipid control  versus each of the epinephrine treated groups. ***  P < 0.001. Error bars represent SEM (  B ) Blood lactate levels plotted with linear regression against rate-pressure product for all treatment groups at baseline, 7.5, and 15 min. n = 90. Strength of correlation indicated by Pearson’s  r for both plots. RPP = rate-pressure product. 

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