Fig. 2.  Working memory testing, using a criteria-driven, moving platform paradigm. The criterion for advancing to a new platform position on the next day was reaching the platform position in less than 15 s, for three consecutive trials. If the criterion was not reached within eight trials, the rat would again be tested again the next day with the same platform location and with eight trials per day, until the criterion was reached. The mean number of trials to criteria (TTC) is plotted by group and by platform location. YAn = aged anemic; ASh = aged sham; Yan = young anemic; YSh = young sham.

Fig. 2.  Working memory testing, using a criteria-driven, moving platform paradigm. The criterion for advancing to a new platform position on the next day was reaching the platform position in less than 15 s, for three consecutive trials. If the criterion was not reached within eight trials, the rat would again be tested again the next day with the same platform location and with eight trials per day, until the criterion was reached. The mean number of trials to criteria (TTC) is plotted by group and by platform location. YAn = aged anemic; ASh = aged sham; Yan = young anemic; YSh = young sham.

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