Fig. 2.  Representative profiles of normal control samples (A ) and modeled coagulopathies: dilutional coagulopathy (B ), thrombocytopenia (C ), hyperfibrinolysis (D ) and heparin contamination (E ), after activation with kaolin (row 1) or TEM®-reagents: INTEM (row 2), EXTEM (row 3), FIBTEM (A4–C4 ), APTEM (D4 ) and HEPTEM (E4 ). APTEM = tissue factor and aprotinin; EXTEM = tissue factor; FIBTEM = tissue factor and cytochalasin D; HEPTEM = ellagic acid and heparinase; INTEM = ellagic acid.

Fig. 2.  Representative profiles of normal control samples (A ) and modeled coagulopathies: dilutional coagulopathy (B ), thrombocytopenia (C ), hyperfibrinolysis (D ) and heparin contamination (E ), after activation with kaolin (row 1) or TEM®-reagents: INTEM (row 2), EXTEM (row 3), FIBTEM (A4–C4 ), APTEM (D4 ) and HEPTEM (E4 ). APTEM = tissue factor and aprotinin; EXTEM = tissue factor; FIBTEM = tissue factor and cytochalasin D; HEPTEM = ellagic acid and heparinase; INTEM = ellagic acid.

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