Fig. 1.  Experimental design relative to the propofol infusion and data collection scheme. The electroencephalogram and clinical signs were recorded and analyzed at the moment of extubation (Rext), although no blood sampling was performed. Arrows with R = moments of recording of electroencephalogram, clinical evaluation of anesthetic depth and arterial blood samples; R0= at baseline; R1, R2, R3= during each infusion 20, 25, and 30 min after the beginning of the respective infusion rate; Rrec= in the totally recovered animal.

Fig. 1.  Experimental design relative to the propofol infusion and data collection scheme. The electroencephalogram and clinical signs were recorded and analyzed at the moment of extubation (Rext), although no blood sampling was performed. Arrows with R = moments of recording of electroencephalogram, clinical evaluation of anesthetic depth and arterial blood samples; R0= at baseline; R1, R2, R3= during each infusion 20, 25, and 30 min after the beginning of the respective infusion rate; Rrec= in the totally recovered animal.

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