Fig. 3. Percent of erythrocyte transfusions administered to patients with hemoglobin concentration more than 8 g/dl. Blood utilization at Stanford Hospital and Clinics (SHC) improved after a clinical effectiveness (CE) team instituted physician education and electronic medical records (EMR)-based clinical decision support (CDS). Horizontal axis: percentage of total erythrocyte transfusions for inpatients on medical/surgical units at SHC whose last recorded hemoglobin concentration was greater than 8 g/dl; vertical axis: monthly intervals, September 2008 - March 2011. Reproduced, with permission, from Compass 2011; Stanford Hospital and Clinics (SHC) Quality and Clinical Effectiveness Newsletter, third Quarter.

Fig. 3. Percent of erythrocyte transfusions administered to patients with hemoglobin concentration more than 8 g/dl. Blood utilization at Stanford Hospital and Clinics (SHC) improved after a clinical effectiveness (CE) team instituted physician education and electronic medical records (EMR)-based clinical decision support (CDS). Horizontal axis: percentage of total erythrocyte transfusions for inpatients on medical/surgical units at SHC whose last recorded hemoglobin concentration was greater than 8 g/dl; vertical axis: monthly intervals, September 2008 - March 2011. Reproduced, with permission, from Compass 2011; Stanford Hospital and Clinics (SHC) Quality and Clinical Effectiveness Newsletter, third Quarter.

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